CDFB Events
CDFB Midlands East & NLDN Coming Together
CDFB Devon & Cornwall Glory Hallelujah!
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Welcome to the Christian Dance Fellowship of Britain (CDFB) website
"And you like living stones, be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.": 1 Peter 2:4,5
"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.": Malachi 4:2,3
The Christian Dance Fellowship of Britain (CDFB) was born in 1990, and is part of the broader
International Christian Dance Fellowship, an organisation fostering links between national dance fellowships
across the world.
The CDFB is a network that connects dance enthusiasts who share the Christian faith.
We aim to be a place of connection and meeting for people with a Christian faith who are seeking to explore, understand and develop their relationship between dance and faith.
We understand that dance can be enjoyed on many levels; for some it is the pleasure of expressing their spiritual worship, healing and release and for some dance is a moving art that has its part to play in the construction of culture. Therefore we do our best to encourage and support dancers of all abilities and across all forms and genres, through prayer and fellowship, by sharing practice in workshops and community performances and by contextualising practice through biblical teaching
Our gatherings give us the opportunity to celebrate all that our God is doing through the art form of dance, where we can be a community, who together can enjoy embodied prayer and worship and be inspired, strengthened and encouraged by The Holy Spirit and each other.
The CDFB leadership is also available as consultants to support church leaders who want to encourage diversity within the worship of their church or community.
The CDFB furthers its ministry in the following ways:
Local Support
Organised by Regional Co-ordinators and Area Representatives. They maintain contact with members in their region and organise local workshops and fellowship days.
Conferences and Workshops
On both a national and a regional level, give opportunities to meet people from all over Britain who want to learn and share together, to renew their vision, develop technique and explore new areas. See the Events page for details of workshops and events.

The national magazine is sent twice yearly to members to provide details of national and international conferences, festivals, workshops and courses, as well as regular articles on the many aspects of Christian dance.
Regional newsletters are also sent out regularly giving local information.
International Christian Dance Fellowship
Internationally, CDFB is a member of the International Christian Dance Fellowship ICDF, which links Christian dancers and dance ministries around the world. We have strong ties with people in other creative art streams through the Christian Artists network and their annual conference. Some of our members are active internationally, running workshops and supporting dancers in other ways in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, the USA and elsewhere.
ICDF Networks
In ICDF Networks, we share different "zones of passion", specializing in Christian dance, movement, and other interests. ICDF's networks give opportunities for global networking and communicating between people who share these same "passions". ICDF Network Co-ordinators are the contacts for sharing resources, events, ideas, and dialogue. This can be in the form of Facebook group pages, newsletters, cyberforums, and email. Face-to-face meetings among the networks are held at the ICDF international conferences held every three years.